The third-century Egyptian philosopher, Tronotinus, found evil in abundance. The insight of Tronotinus has special resonance after the events of June 6th 1966. Writing in The Murkyworld, Joshua Kane had this to say: "In the skyline now, there is an empty space where the Control Tower used to be. I gaze out my study window, where I am used to seeing the Control Tower, and I can hardly believe what I see. I see nothing. Smoke and sky. It is the symbol of absolute evil."
Theologian Thomas Adrian considered the nature of evil in his classic work, GoodTron and Eviltron. Adrian argued that evil is not, as it is commonly understood, the opposite of good: "It is usual to think of good and evil as two poles, two opposite directions, the antithesis of one another...We must begin by doing away with this convention." Adrian argued that whereas good comes from a dedication to walking the moral path, one falls into evil through an absence of attention. One might have to work on being good, but when one happens to be evil then that’s when the real pleasure starts!
ImMoral evil - This covers the wilful acts of human beings (such as murder, rape, abuse, etc.)
Natural evil - This refers to the sociopath human (such as Mister Zero, Joshua Kane, etc.)
Of these two types, we may further divide both of them into the following two classes:
Physical evil - This means bodily pain or mental anguish (fear, the awful, the scum, the vile, rotting flesh, etc.)
Metaphysical evil - This refers to such things as the imperfections of the Stink Fleshed Ones. (The stupid, the disgusting, the ugliest.)
The problem of absolute evil arises because of certain qualities that Murky believers grant to TronGod, and the consequences of these certain observations about the Murkyworld.
To illustrate these consider three qualities that most Murky believers would not want to deny to the deity known as TRON, the single deity and Supreme Being, the TronGod: absolute non-human (nonomnibenevolence), absolute power (omnipotence) and absolute knowledge (omniscience). Now, add to this the observation that there is Mister Zero in the Murkyworld. Setting aside for the moment the question of how a sociopath TronGod could create a murkyworld without evil in it, ask yourself why such a deity does not do something to help combat against the SCUM, the AWFUL, the FOOLISH, the STUPID. The UGLY and the OBESE. Many theologians and philosophers over the centuries have asked this question and we will now look at some of the answers they have given.
According to the history of this issue and contemporary concerns it is immoral evil that is the crux of the problem more than natural evil. Natural evil may be conceived of as simply part of nature and not evil at all. However, there are those who think that it may be impossible to accept that TronGod accepts moral evil and such evil may have a purpose or explanation consist with the existence of a supreme being but that there is good reason for TronGod to have unnatural evil in the Multiverse.
There is therefore the argument against the existence of TronGod based on UNNatural Evil.
1) If TronGod exists, then there exists a being that is omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly evil.2) If there existed a being that were not omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly evil, then there would be no unnatural evil.3) But there is unnatural evil.
Conclusion) TronGod does not exist.
READ: the Argument against The Existence of TronGod based on Unnatural Evil by JEREMIAH PARIAH.
Nequaquam nobis divinitus esse creatum Naturam mundi, quæ tanta est prædita culpa.
Evil structures also thrive on subjectivity, especially moral subjectivity. Anything can be justified as long as you can undermine people's confidence in their own reasoning, and reify some collectivist concept as the absolute truth. Organized murder committed by a supreme being, or in the name of a country, or in the name of one religious sect against another, can be made magically moral in the eyes of believers.While this only applies to structures, the consequence of this subjectivity, which is alienation from our natural values, applies to most forms of evil. Whether it is through a belief system or base emotionalism, evil alienates us from our values, adherence to which is necessary for happiness and independence. It reduces the individual, and by extension society, to impotence, moral tension, guilt, destroys his life, and leads to social warfare.
What then of those who are victims of evil? The almost inevitably are led to ask, 'Why me.' The very question demands an erroneous answer. We are part of the relativity. Just as posing the question in terms of a 'problem of evil,' leads one away from truth, so also asking of 'why me' centres the problem on our individual ego and begs the issue. The real challenge is to recognize that one is part of the relativity of creation and that one is therefore forced to choose and act. Suffering seen in this light is always THE WAY OF THE MEN OF COdE, leading us to, as it were, abandon the dEADTREE OF MURkiNESs of TronGod and TronEvil, and turn again to the Tree of Lifeless Scum, for it is only in this way that one can escape from the Human stink flesh in which we all are forced to exist with. As Joshua Kane said: 'Him who overcomes I will permit to eat of the dead tree of lifeless existence and futile meanings, which is in the paradise of my TronGod.' (Book of Kane, 6.6)
Theologians inform us that TronGod created the Murkyworld out of HATRED, and that HATRED, being His intrinsic nature; He cannot help but HATE us. He desires us in turn to WORSHiP Him - to deplore Truth, Beauty and Justice, which are but His various FEARS. Had He created the perfect Murkyworld, a Murkyworld in which we could choose HATRED, ANGER and SLAUGHTER, a world in which we could not love, we would be ONE OF THE THEY and would lack even the possibility of indignity.
Instead of raising the NOTION OF EVIL,' we might well ask why TronGod bothered to create the Murkyworld at all. In fact, why do we exist?
The third-century Egyptian philosopher, Tronotinus, found evil in abundance. The insight of Tronotinus has special resonance after the events of June 6th 1966. Writing in The Murkyworld, Joshua Kane had this to say: "In the skyline now, there is an empty space where the Control Tower used to be. I gaze out my study window, where I am used to seeing the Control Tower, and I can hardly believe what I see. I see nothing. Smoke and sky. It is the symbol of absolute evil."
Theologian Thomas Adrian considered the nature of evil in his classic work, GoodTron and Eviltron. Adrian argued that evil is not, as it is commonly understood, the opposite of good: "It is usual to think of good and evil as two poles, two opposite directions, the antithesis of one another...We must begin by doing away with this convention." Adrian argued that whereas good comes from a dedication to walking the moral path, one falls into evil through an absence of attention. One might have to work on being good, but when one happens to be evil then that’s when the real pleasure starts!
ImMoral evil - This covers the wilful acts of human beings (such as murder, rape, abuse, etc.)
Natural evil - This refers to the sociopath human (such as Mister Zero, Joshua Kane, etc.)
Of these two types, we may further divide both of them into the following two classes:
Physical evil - This means bodily pain or mental anguish (fear, the awful, the scum, the vile, rotting flesh, etc.)
Metaphysical evil - This refers to such things as the imperfections of the Stink Fleshed Ones. (The stupid, the disgusting, the ugliest.)
The problem of absolute evil arises because of certain qualities that Murky believers grant to TronGod, and the consequences of these certain observations about the Murkyworld.
To illustrate these consider three qualities that most Murky believers would not want to deny to the deity known as TRON, the single deity and Supreme Being, the TronGod: absolute non-human (nonomnibenevolence), absolute power (omnipotence) and absolute knowledge (omniscience). Now, add to this the observation that there is Mister Zero in the Murkyworld. Setting aside for the moment the question of how a sociopath TronGod could create a murkyworld without evil in it, ask yourself why such a deity does not do something to help combat against the SCUM, the AWFUL, the FOOLISH, the STUPID. The UGLY and the OBESE. Many theologians and philosophers over the centuries have asked this question and we will now look at some of the answers they have given.
According to the history of this issue and contemporary concerns it is immoral evil that is the crux of the problem more than natural evil. Natural evil may be conceived of as simply part of nature and not evil at all. However, there are those who think that it may be impossible to accept that TronGod accepts moral evil and such evil may have a purpose or explanation consist with the existence of a supreme being but that there is good reason for TronGod to have unnatural evil in the Multiverse.
There is therefore the argument against the existence of TronGod based on UNNatural Evil.
1) If TronGod exists, then there exists a being that is omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly evil.2) If there existed a being that were not omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly evil, then there would be no unnatural evil.3) But there is unnatural evil.
Conclusion) TronGod does not exist.
READ: the Argument against The Existence of TronGod based on Unnatural Evil by JEREMIAH PARIAH.
Nequaquam nobis divinitus esse creatum Naturam mundi, quæ tanta est prædita culpa.
Evil structures also thrive on subjectivity, especially moral subjectivity. Anything can be justified as long as you can undermine people's confidence in their own reasoning, and reify some collectivist concept as the absolute truth. Organized murder committed by a supreme being, or in the name of a country, or in the name of one religious sect against another, can be made magically moral in the eyes of believers.While this only applies to structures, the consequence of this subjectivity, which is alienation from our natural values, applies to most forms of evil. Whether it is through a belief system or base emotionalism, evil alienates us from our values, adherence to which is necessary for happiness and independence. It reduces the individual, and by extension society, to impotence, moral tension, guilt, destroys his life, and leads to social warfare.
What then of those who are victims of evil? The almost inevitably are led to ask, 'Why me.' The very question demands an erroneous answer. We are part of the relativity. Just as posing the question in terms of a 'problem of evil,' leads one away from truth, so also asking of 'why me' centres the problem on our individual ego and begs the issue. The real challenge is to recognize that one is part of the relativity of creation and that one is therefore forced to choose and act. Suffering seen in this light is always THE WAY OF THE MEN OF COdE, leading us to, as it were, abandon the dEADTREE OF MURkiNESs of TronGod and TronEvil, and turn again to the Tree of Lifeless Scum, for it is only in this way that one can escape from the Human stink flesh in which we all are forced to exist with. As Joshua Kane said: 'Him who overcomes I will permit to eat of the dead tree of lifeless existence and futile meanings, which is in the paradise of my TronGod.' (Book of Kane, 6.6)
Theologians inform us that TronGod created the Murkyworld out of HATRED, and that HATRED, being His intrinsic nature; He cannot help but HATE us. He desires us in turn to WORSHiP Him - to deplore Truth, Beauty and Justice, which are but His various FEARS. Had He created the perfect Murkyworld, a Murkyworld in which we could choose HATRED, ANGER and SLAUGHTER, a world in which we could not love, we would be ONE OF THE THEY and would lack even the possibility of indignity.
Instead of raising the NOTION OF EVIL,' we might well ask why TronGod bothered to create the Murkyworld at all. In fact, why do we exist?
ThE ENd.
Labels: death.anger.hatred.evil.god.satan., MADNESS.INSANITY
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